
A varied collection of dramatic paintings for sale. Contemporary art by Errol Dyer.  

I live and paint in a small village called Stone, in Worcestershire, UK where I started painting after I retired. I then took up where I left art in my early teens, in Mahim, Bombay, India.  An early painting called Hare with attitude won the SAA  Artist of the year award in 2017.  Since then I have held several one-man shows in and around Worcester and also exhibit with Worcester Society of Artists at various venues. Read more on my About me page.

My methods

Working mainly in acrylic, I began to use it like watercolour and have now acquired a style of my own using mixed media and including lots of relief and texture.

I like to stretch my capabilities and experiment with all forms of mixed-media and 3D art. My work is dramatic and not for the feint hearted.

Paintings for sale

Lots of the paintings shown here are for sale and have links for buying the original art or prints. Alternatively you can fill in an enquiry form if you would like to ask for further details about any of the paintings.

“What I like about Errol’s paintings is the way they stand out so distinctively. This is often due to his use of strong colours and contrasts, but also in some of of his paintings parts are literally standing out because he has added 3D elements with mixed media. Sometimes these 3D elements are made from natural materials he has found, such as sticks and sand, and sometimes innovative art mediums or materials he has repurposed for art. He paints a wide variety of subjects including landscapes, abstract compositions, animals, people and flowers.”

Boats at sunrise



Falcon Eagle


San Diego


Crow head


Autumn river


Fire and fury bird

Red Flower




All alone seascape

Blue ear ring


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